Neone, Mike B's transparency works in 7, because, the function does work, works fine in my Naked Wb's too...
However, even in Stealth, if you try to drag-select multiple items\ folders in a window, you will see the selected area looks like crap, at least to me it does, which is why I do not use trans in windows in 7, it's useless, and broke.
However, if you want that effect, you need to use the Glass explorer BG sections of WB and use only a .png or a .tga.
Bmps will not work here. They are only for the normal 'non-trans' section
Anyhoo, Its my contention we should probably leave explorer windows blank, and let the user decide if they want to adjust it in WBconfig.
Roloccolor, There is no text color control for backgrounds in windows 7.