You DO realise Sydney has more wet weather than Melbourne, don't you?
Yeah.... but it all comes down in one big deluge then goes away..... Melbourne's slowly drizzles like forever....
No mention of Sydney.... heck, even the Sydney to Hobart makes a point of LEAVING Sydney ....
but.... it's lovely to be out on the harbour having a lovely smorgasbord luncheon in amongst 'em as they leave... then the silly buggers are on their own...
Melbourne has certainly worked hard at getting the major sporting events... it's more of a sporting orientated people down there.... (we just like the big ones like the Olympics... )
Sydney also misses out on the major art exhibitions which pisses me off no end... I've been told it's because Vic and ACT gov gives more $ funding them.. for insurance etc than NSW... hoping that will change in the future.
Been meaning to come down to the Tutankhamun at the Melb Museum.... Egypt's always been on my bucket list... but I remember seeing a Tut one at the Sydney Museum, I think in the 90's, which was excellent.
Fred Williams is also about to do the Canberra and Melbourne run...but then again... he is a Melbourne artist... not many people in Sydney have even heard of him. I did get to the last major one he had at the Melb Art Gallery quite awhile back now though...
We are however getting Picasso at the end of the year.... looking forward to that...
There are pros and cons to both cities... but I can see why Melb was chosen as more/most livable... we are, at the moment, paying people $7.000 to sell up and leave Sydney and go to rural town centres.... too many people want to live here... and planning just isn't keeping up... link..
and I so miss Pellegrini's