Doc, you are the one that posts the majority of birthday greetings. You are a mod and you are posting those as a mod, I assumed (incorrectly it appears) that those posts were "official" posts. Now, at least, I guess, that that may not be the case, but....
I only post as a Moderator in "Personal Computing".
If and only if the situation of TOS violation occurs, I reply as a Moderator. You won't be in doubt of my role when and if that happens.
Get this straight:
The Birthday posts for friends are posted in "General" or "Community" (no referral) and are posted as a regular member.
Now, at least, I guess, that that may not be the case, but....
No. You started to apologize, but did not.
Then you added the "but" which negates you taking ownership of your misperceptions and misstatements.
You are not off the hook for the apology you owe me, gmc2. It should include the "cliques", "prying into user accounts", and "playing favorites" along with the intellectual dishonesty which those accusations imply.
You also owe the management (Admins) of WC and SD an apology.
After you do that, I will extend once again my hand in friendship to a fellow community member.
Quoting gmc2, reply 34If anyone really thinks I give a rat's ass about celebrating my birth date with you losers then think again.
That sucks
Add an apology to everyone for that, gmc2.