Only because THE GREAT ONE needs no introduction or mentioned
Not so.
Newer Members/visitors to will have no idea of the source of your 'inspiration', and thus its origins MUST always be noted.
Here's an extract of the readme.txt frommy Winamp skin derived also from Universe Metal.
* Universe Metal [a Site skin by Alexandrie] *
* ReadMEfirst by Paul Martin [JAFO] *
* WinAMP v2.x Skin *
* *
* 30-April-2003 *
* Copyright © 1997-2003 Jafo *
* Original graphics Copyright © 1997-2003 Alexandrie *
A WinAMP v2x Skin designed to 'suit' the Site skin for
by Alexandrie [Johanne Chaine], with permission...[via ICQ, 20030501].
Drawn with: PSP 6.00
You are free to use this skin/theme/system PRIVATELY in any way you choose.
However if you wish to upload/publish a variation of the included artwork or theme
coding, then written permission must be obtained from me AND Alexandrie, prior to this,
and due credit to the theme-coding/graphics' originator/s MUST be included with your
release. Anything less is called 'ripping', which is a trendy term for theft.
If it's appropriate for me then it's appropriate for you....