Well lets think about that a little bit sViz.
Not a whole lot of folks took to Vista and they stayed with XP. Windows 7, although considered an improvement over Vista by some folks still didn't reduce XP users by a lot.
I have taken a look at some of the Windows 8 stuff on the Internet and I have to say that there really doesn't seem much that would interest me. I suppose that may be that I don't have a tablet and my cell phone is probably third or fourth generation old when it comes to the user interface.
So I wonder where the majority of the consumer base is? Yes some will jump on the Windows 8 bandwagon because it is new.
There is that unknown factor involved here also, just what is Brad and his folks working on that might still allow the desktop/laptop user some flexibility when it comes to setting up a desktop environment that suites the user's requirements.
I guess we will all have to just be patient and wait and see.