that mighty pirate Ill have to have my whip out read
Promises promises. But as usual, you'll drop the hint to have me drooling at the mouth in anticipation... and all I'll get is a slap across the buttocks with a wet kipper.
Oh well, I suppose I can always dream about it... that cat o' nine, and getting my lashes bathed in milk and honey.
And I have no idea where they get that: "When the Cat's away the mice will play." from.
There have been two orgies here so far this week... and I didn't stay up real late for either of 'em.
Nah, I was real good. Like when we... er, [ignore that slip of the tongue] they were making too much noise and I called the cops to get 'em to keep it down.
Must admit, though, it was a bit embarrassing answering the door to a six foot six copper in just a pink tutu and fishnets.
Yeah, he had 'something' hanging out of his frilly knickers, and frankly, I'm glad he left without a fuss
I just didn't fancy having to call 000 and tell 'em I've got a trespassing cop who's trying to gatecrash a private party.
Yeah, I can see it now... every cop in the vicinity turning up in hooker costumes, transvestite gear and everything.
Anyway, I've told them all here that there will be no more orgies .... despite the new washer I can't keep up with all the dirty linen.
Nah, seriously, it has been so quiet around here I can hear the tap dripping.... 3 doors up.
[quote who="mrs_starkers" reply="14" id="2949919"] that is a lovely blind V awesome colors I love it [/quote
Yep, one of your absolute best, John, and the colours are totally spiffing, old man.... totally spiffing I say.