Hi, if You don't know me here on WC, just read the next thread. 
Otherwise I want to wholeheartly apologize for being such a jerk the last 1-2 years. Believe me, perspectives change a lot when you build Your own company and have to care for certain things Yourself. Most of You know me for my critiicism with Stardock and especially Brad, born out of a deep frustration what happened to my most loved Object Desktop apps or some just being discontinued. Well, I had to learn that this is how business works even more if You have a big anount of projects going on. I think I understand now that it is impossible to please everybody with a company like this.
As a 2nd note I was really sad to not being able to post not even in threads that moved my heart about people in need of good words I liked and share a hiostory with here. So I wrote a wholeheartly apologize note to Brad also, who was so nice to at least give me citizen status back here.
Being the dumba** I am I deleted all my submsissions here, which don't seem to be recoverable. So as a new start I submitted 3 of my works from this year. I have been doing a lot more but for private use or other people. Also I worked and am still working with DesktopX Pro to do corporate objects for 2 customers. All that still hoping DX will not die.
So after 10 years of being a member here I I'll try a reboot to c242 V2.0.