I posted on your blog about this, but I thought I should post here too.
Firstly these forums are NOT the right place to send bug reports like the above. They should always go to support@stardock.com so that they can be tracked and forwarded on internally.
Additionally if you did want to post on the forums it would have been better to post a new thread so it would have been more visible and posting just before Christmas is not ideal either!
An alternative would have been to find someone on #stardock on irc.stardock.com or sending a PM to any of the mods on WC. Generally these things would then have found their way to the right people, though as it was Christmas I cannot promise how long it would have taken!
Anyway :
I have looked into this and it appears there was a big miscommunication between us.
There was a report of issues back in May and we modified WB for the next update to remove the DOPUS.EXE line from the source code. Unfortunately the search missed the fact there was a second reference to it in a header file and for some reason QA did not actually test this - I will be finding out why this is.
After this we marked it as sorted and nobody has contacted the development team to let them know otherwise. We were not ignoring the issue we simply didn't know about it!
Did you send any mails to support@stardock.com identifying yourself as the author and explaining the fix did not work. Doing so should have resulted in the information getting to me eventually, but it seems for whatever reason this did not happen.
Anyway I apologise for the problem and I have modified the code and removed the second reference to dopus from the code. The next update should resolve this, but obviously if you encounter any more issues please do contact support in the manner I describe above.
Regarding the other issues, the resizing from the top corner issue is pretty minor and I can live with that right now as fiddling with that code could cause other more serious issues. The problem with the explorer selection when using the keyboard is interesting. I have not heard of that before, but I imagine not many people use the keyboard in explorer in that way. I will see about getting that fixed for the next update too.
BTW in case there was any doubt, the reason why dopus was in the 'bad app' list originally was because of how it worked on Windows XP in the past. I cannot recall exactly what the issue was, but the source code says :
"Directory OPUS assumes things about theme handles, so its excluded at this level"
I suspect it did not handle the case of a theme handle returning NULL which was entirely possible and permitted on Windows XP (the docs even warned developers about it)
Anyway we are always willing to work with other developers on issues encountered with WB and have in fact been working with the DisplayFusion guys recently in enhancing WB such as adding in specific custom sections for their needs. We are not fixing bugs in WB but actually adding things to they can render things identically to how WB does for the taskbar and start button.
If you did contact support@stardock.com regarding this please do provide me with the ticket IDs so I can investigate what went wrong so we can try to ensure it does not happen again.