I hope they kept pictures /proof etc... so we don't end up with moon landing type debates...
While I want to believe he's gone, I have to wonder.
They have announced this morning that they have confirmed it's him by DNA testing.
I was under the impression that DNA testing took longer than 12 hours.
Can anyone weigh in on how long it really takes to get a match.
I was just watching a news channel, and the ticker on the bottom was saying something like,
Pres. Obama has decided NOT to make photos available... and then something about said photos being a security risk...
A security risk? How does he figure a photo being a security risk?
It's nothing more than evidence that another terrorist is dead...
Agreed. It would have been more than enough to say to yourself "Good."
Instead, you have all these idiots dancing around.
What better way to make the rest of the world say "See, I told you they were idiots." Idiots.
Hmm, lemme see, you mean exactly the way those people on the news on 9/11 did,
jumping up 'n' down and dancing about laughing, burning the Stars & Stripes when the Towers came down?
I say let the people you call idiots celebrate as they wish.
Having said that, whether people celebrate or not, I can't help but wonder:
who, where and/or what is going to be hit first as a result of the Military action that resulted in the death of the terrorist...
In my opinion, they won't sit still on this, terrorists never do.
Everything with them is about revenge, making it not a question of "if", but "when".