Hey Nav, I really hope your lady gets back to being whole again real soon.... and I hope she's walking again real soon
I was in her shoes a few years back, multiple fractures, broken back and got told they'd have to take my right leg...
I said "take it from here if you have to" and pointed to my throat.... I kept my leg and I've been walking for 35 years since.
It took a lot of surgery, physio and rehabilitation over 5 and a bit years, but I was determined to get mobile under my own steam
It hurts like a bitch getting around some days, now I'm older and have associated arthritis, but I'll be buggered if I'm giving up my independence for a wheelchair any time soon.
If I can walk 'til I'm 90 I'm sure going to.... then I might consider the wheelchair, if'n I gits me a real purdy nurse t' push it