I've been looking into buying Object Desktop for a long time and finally took the plunge a few weeks ago. I built a new computer and thought it would be fun to have a new desktop display. So I install Windows 7 Pro x64 and then install all the Windows 7 compatible Object Desktop programs. The new FX software is a lot of fun, and Windows blinds seems to work well. But then I noticed that exe icons were a little funny, AKA missing. Notice in the following pictures the white icon where there should be a exe icon. This is a system wide, non-user specific problem (I tried using a different user). Rebuilding icon cache doens't work, uninstalling Icon Package didn't fix it and none of the Icon Package repair/rebuild icon options worked.
My brother bought OD at around the same time and installed it on a new computer with Windows 7 Pro x64. After I discovered my "problem" I checked his computer and it is the same there.
This is obviously not system stopping but is it ever frustrating! I searched high and low in the forums and didn't come across anything that fixed my problem.