In this situation, the squeaky wheel will not get oiled. Bitching about the way things are here, isn't going to change anything, and at the very most, will give you a reputation of being a complainer and not a team player. You may not think that matters a whole lot right now, and it's the principle of what you're [........] It's like learning to be a magician -- the really good stuff has to be learned from another individual, not from a book, and the really, REALLY good stuff, is the stuff you discover for yourself that nobody else even thought of yet.
Thank you for your kind reply. I feel I 've certainly been kinda misinterpreted... I didn't want to start a rant or being a complainer, I just wanted to express my opinion on how things SHOULD be, or picture in another way, I didn't suggest that things in place weren't right, that we should change them because of this or because of that, I just pointed out that things weren't in place. At all ! That leads me to this conclusion : either stardock feel so empowered that they just don't give a damn about how things are or they know how empowered they are and they just don't care to set things right. And I'm beginning to think they are both ways.
Let's face the reality : how big is stardock ? How big is the community ? How many are the users ? I've been using some pieces of stardock software, on and off, since maybe 10 years now and apart form the fellow membershippers that everybody is talking about here (just relate them to the whole majority of windows users) stardock users are near where they were : a little niche ! Why ? Lack of commitment from stardock ? Absence of knowledge, both from those who support stardock with their efforts in making skins available and end users maybe... I've tried establishing partnership with stardock to emphasize their presence here in france by creating a better distributor than the one they kept talking me about : their answer was money and the distributor name reputation. Nowhere near 'we'll be trhilled to size up our market share". So, how things are in the "community" are related to how things are on the market about stardock. Maybe stardock isn't near what it should be, maybe they aren't what we supposed they are because of a real partnership with us, sorry with you as I'm not finished, just started in fact, with my skin, so I'm not really an useful asset.
I'd like to point an excerpt of yours "it's like an initiation", sorry... an initiation is always by a master's side, not alone asking in forums !
Also if you can make killer graphics, then figuring out SKS should be pretty simple. Heck even I did it.
Sure, but re inventing the wheel every day isn't really a productive way I'd say.
And to end my 'rant', I'd like to quote
gotta disagree a little bit here; there are little tricks and hints that are only shared when someone posts a question that the more experienced skinners have an answer to and they feel like sharing, otherwise...
I certainly agree here because so far, beside Vampothika's effort in the matter of this post, I just didn't find a centralized/organized answer in skinning process : the well and talented skinners seem to thing that their knowledge should belong to themselves. Too bad.
Anyway, thank you all for your time on this thread, maybe I'll try to work the skin on my mind or I'll keep using the one working on my desktop for a while now, I've called Sirus by Mike Bryant. Thanks for your work !