It's a plane's GUI...
All the thingies do.....'stuff'.
All the buttons push....switches turn.....handles pull....and it's about as close to a real one as you can get. [all evolving from 'several' photos].
Here I am....cranked over....at 90 degrees....at 720 knots at 1300 feet [plus change] above Albert Park Lake [Melbourne, Oz....where the GrandPrix is held]....
Heading North-ish, 4 Knot wind over my left shoulder...coolish 54 F outside....1.26 PM, Wednesday...pulling plus 1.5 G hanging off a wing with the throttle at 85%....
It's taken a month [off and on] to get all this working 'right'..... before this I knew next to nothing about XML....now I know even less...
In case anyone's wondering....a typical 'panel.cfg' file will have 30 to 50 'gauges' [thingies in XML that provide 'functionality']....this one currently has 138.... in this 'window'.....there are 22 'windows'....10 different Z-order levels.....
....and it may yet get finished....
For nit-pickers....the HUD is an anachronism....the Thud didn't have one [like that]....
Just to add....for those wondering just how complex these things get.....this one 'cockpit' is 41.9 Meg, comprising 877 files [XML and BMP] ...