There seems to be a little bug in the WinCustomize forums now, don't know if it existed earlier:
I've edited the title to fix it, may take a bit of time for the caches to refresh.
That's Karma went down...I had 373 here and 27 on the Elemental I'm down to 372.
Hey Bara...if you're in the fix it mood, how about bringing the "watch a thread" feature back.
My karma also dropped around 20 as well as others.
I did not simply add the karma from all of the sites, I recalculated it. The way it used to work is that if you received karma in a forum that was shared across multiple sites (such as the Forum Issues forum), you would get karma on each of those sites. If you received karma in a forum that was only on one site, only that sites karma would change for your account. If I simply added your karma for both sites, it would have been inaccurate because I'd be double-counting. Instead, I recalculated it on a per-forum basis, so that's the reason your karma looks like it went down. In reality, it's the same as it was before, just in different way 