omg.., HAHAHA! i cant believe this.., since day one that i came into this site (back at the good old days), I have been watching you guys whining about everything! I dont like the rating system, why didn't my skin got into the library?, damn is hot!, damn is cold!, where is Bichur?, ble ble ble....
you guys need to stop the whine and support the new incomers. You don't like the quality, the originality or you don't like NOTHING about the aka "Master Skin"? then talk to the skinner and try to help him/her to improve! ...unless you don't like the skinner!
But well, i have to agree in something, back in the good old days when Tiggz, Adni and Jeff from skinfactory (also JJYING) where on the loose, releasing amazing skins like if there where no tomorrow, i was really happy and enjoying the good "bonanza" of skins.
I mean, look at this:
Or this:
OOOR this(how come i totally forget about Gabriel?):
Now we have this:
Master Skin? ..well, start the flaming war against me, but this skin is VERY average to me. BUT it shows effort., BUT not so much originality....
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And this:
Master Skin? ....srsly, this one really disappointed me a lot!
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Now, dont start with the old bash, like "i dont see any WB made by you!" or "if you dont like it then why do you even care?". Nah, the point in my.., argument, is that yes, skinners are showing an "effort", but only COMPLETING the theme, and have totally forgotten to be originals and really new things that when you see them you would be able to shit bricks (damn, and that's hard to do now days..) and say HOLY MOTHER OF ALL MILKY COWS! I WANT THAT INSTALLED ON MY OS, LIKE NOW!
oh..., i guess good old days are over.., now, let me get back to deviantart..., i have "AWSOME" skins to do, you know, the kind of skins that makes you shit gold bricks!