Doc, I meant the controls/cockpit. Why not put those on a wall and upload? I would most definitely use it!!
About 50% of that cockpit is graphics from/by Alphasim. It's been 'altered' extensively to suit a widescreen monitor, with the 'scale' revised from 1024x768 to 1680x1050....correcting resolution/proportion distortions [the round bits are still round]. The other 50% is drawn [by me] and/or is photograph 'parts' altered to suit.
Most of the xml gauges are 'original', but several are modded to function differently/correctly and others are from entirely different aircraft/sources.
If/when I start from scratch and do a photo-real and accurate version.....that'll be appropriate to distribute.
Game screencaps are often/always[?] publicly distributed/shared but as wallpapers here on Wincustomize....we don't accept them as 'ours to distribute' contributions to the wallpaper gallery...