Folks, it's time for the August 2010 edition of RedneckDude's Skinner Spotlight!
This month my victim is none other than Master scripter, sViz! sViz is famous here at WC, her name is in the description of at least 85% of my DX themes and widgets! I'm sure she's been involved in many other's too.
sViz has been here at WC since April of 2006. She has earned the Master status for her scripting prowess and her willingness to help anyone who asks, and many who didn't. She is a fine asset to the skinning community and has written various tutorials and articles. My favorite articles she has written have been in the I Love DX series.
I Love DX Series
When The WeatherChannel took away our weather feed, sViz came to the rescue with several weather widget templates, with tutorials on using for your own skins.
She has written various tutorials and has posted them on several sites and on the WC Wiki. Here are a few important links:
Project: DesktopX
sViz on the Wiki
sViz tutorials
Article Development
A few sViz stats:
So, folks, please give a big hand for sViz, our resident scripting Master.