I will now go find my pointy hat
Wiz might take offense... 
Relax John...
"Oh the comfort of feeling safe with a person Of having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words But pouring them all out, wheat and chaff together, Knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them Keeping what is worth keeping and, with a breath of kindness... Blow the rest away."
- Mackie Ayres
"If Barbie is so popular, why do
you have to buy her friends?" - Unknown
And one I do find heartening: My friends accept me for things I cannot accept within myself.
The best advice (which I so rarely take, much to my and others' chagrin) was given to me by WebGizmos: "I generally write my responses to things in Notepad, read and reread it several times, correcting and changing here and there and then add smilies." (paraphrased)
Of course, that doesn't explain his screw-ups.
So relax, John. Those who know you....hmmm....I'll rephrase that....where's that damned Notepad.....