Lantec, the depreciation in the dollar due to our debts was incurred over 8 years of Bush tax cuts (which forced us to borrow from the Chinese just to pay for the day to day operation of our own country!), one unnecessary war for oil and vanity (which took our eyes off the real enemy long enough for them to regroup, costing us even more money in that arguably necessary police action), and an unregulated wall street/housing gambling "casino" run amok.
It took 8 years to take us from the surpluses at the end of the Clinton years to debts that were beyond our wildest a time of prosperity mind you.
It's going to take years, if not decades, to undo that damage.
Over the past two years, the only reason anyone was spending any money at all on anything was there remained a glimmer of hope (because of the measured, prudent, and stabilizing policies of the current administration) that kept us just shy of worldwide catastrophe. If the insanity of the Bush years had continued under McCain, no one would have been able to spend any money on anything at all, and there's a damn good chance that your company might have gone out of business a lot sooner than it did.
I'm sorry for the tough turn things have taken for you, but for anyone to believe that any one man can undo the wholesale worldwide raping and pillaging of the Bush years in so short a time is quite patently absurd.
But all that aside, as a fellow businessman, I sincerely wish the best of luck to you, yours, and whatever your next entrepreneurial venture may be.
It's a really sad thing to say, tragic even, and if it weren't true damn near laughable. To think all those who were in favor of Bush and wanted to put McCain right on up there to continue the insanity...we'd be sitting in a police state right now or close to it. As for change...I was two microns away from getting out of my predicament when November 2009 happened. The economy crashed, the world came to the brink of bankruptcy and here I am...right back to square one. Kudos to all the asinine idiots on wall street.