Yeah...this wouldn't be a very good community if we just forgot people that have been here a long time and contributed a lot. This whole thing sounds to me to be a misunderstanding or lack of clear information...I'm just guessing since I don't know. There are plenty of images out there in the net that I'm sure could be used by Ausvet with permission to continue on...the only question remaining is...does he want to? From what I've seen in daily uploads it shouldn't be to hard to crank out some more dreams...seems to be an assembly line anymore of those things. So just give Ausvet some time to lick his wounds and "maybe" he'll crank out some more.
Syd, Giz, Jim.... you guys are great. We all owe Patrick our loyalty as friends....and that shouldn't change because he's always been a very caring and nice person. As Gammeldansk said, "A genteman".
Quoting DisturbedComputer,
Ausvet I give you permission to make my Lucky Strike wallpaper into a dream if you would...
I too would love to see a dream made of my wall...Doc's Summer Pond...Please, Patrick? I never had the nerve to ask you to do that as it wasn't accepted here in the wallpaper gallery...I think you'd do a wonderful job on it, and I'd be so honored to be the first in your new Gallery.