Ok Mike...I just downloaded your docks...again...(and if I knew that's what you were looking for I had them here in .zip form)
Anyway...first thing...download your file to a folder with Firefox because it lets you choose your download folder.
Then go to the folder you saved it to.
Click on it and it "should" bring up a window that says "new images have been added to your Objectdock Library" and at the bottom of that window you "should" see "Take me to my Objectdock Library"...click on that.
Then if all is going well you "should" see a folder open up called "Objectdock Library" and in it "should" be 6 folders for backgrounds...images...misc...permissions...Special images and Unsorted downloads...and your KnotVista docks "should" be in the backgrounds folder when you click on it.
You "should" now see your background.ini and images.
Now back out of that and highlight the folder your images are in and send it to either Program/Stardock/Objectdock/backgrounds or any other folder that "you" created.
Now...if you have a folder under "My Documents" called "Stardock" you "should" find a folder in there called "ObjectDock Library" which will have the 6 folders listed above.
You can just delete the "Stardock" folder unless you want it there...if it wasn't there before it was created when you click on the .dockzip file...now your done.
All that to install a dock...fun huh!
For future reference Mike. The way I create my docks is...each tabbed dock or zoomer or tile has it's own folder and background.ini.
This is because it's far less confusing looking at one background.ini and the images that go with it while making adjustments...rather than looking at one folder with tons of images and .ini files in it. Then to create my zip file...(this is using Objectzip)...rightclick "imagename.png"...."add to imagename.png...then once that .zip file is created I can highlight all the folders at once and send them all to that .zip file and then delete the imagename.png and the thumbs.db files.
Now there may be another way to do that but that one works for me. So....if your thoroughly confused now...lose my number...