Dude...seriously, I don't know how old you are and regardless of what forum topic this is under...why in some god's name are you even asking this question here...or anywhere else for that matter? Wear them...don't wear them...it's pretty simple. If you wear them outside and get caught...then it just sucks to be you.
I have a health issue that makes it extremely uncomfortable to wear snug shirts or shorts...so I just buy the biggest size I can find...just short of wearing a tent. But I certainly don't need to ask anyone their opinion about my attire. No offense...but if your not mature enough to make your own decision concerning your attire you've got issues beyond that and maybe your shopping in the wrong department.
It has nothing to do with making my decision. I've made my decision, and I feel pretty mellow now. Its occasionally a sensitive issue to me as it was when I made the thread. I just wanted some feedback as I'm a sensitive guy sometimes. I'm twenty years old now, not that its anyone's business. As far as issues...... we all have them, even the people who love to tear other people down, or perhaps especially those people.
OK, HERE's an idea...why don't you get a treadmill, and run indoors, wearing whatever the heck you want to as long as the shades are drawn. I totally understand the need to be comfortable when working out, which is why, since I live in Florida, I own indoor exercise equipment...and lots of fans, because I dislike my face getting sweaty, and quite frankly, I don't want my neighbors seeing me working out--that's a treat only my husband needs to see.
I lived by that philosophy for years. I had a treadmill and I worked out on it. I got rid of it though, because I don't really treadmills that much. They hurt my feet, or at least the few I have tried do. I still do ride an indoor bike a lot but I alternate between that and my hill running. I like to get a little bit sun a day, it seems to be good for the skin, so if its not my day to run, I stretch in the backyard.
Its not only the fact that my feet hurt. I feel like the steepness of a hill offers me a chance to work my legs in a way that is more healthy to me. Nowadays I have chronic tendinitis in my knees and I cant jump off one foot with any kind of lift or sans pain. Running on flat areas or downhill also cause pain, and a lot of wear. I find that on a hill I can run at any speed, and feel good. . Also I'm more comfortable sprinting or running backwards on a hill then I am a moving platform. I feel like what Ive been doing lately has been working as, I'm starting get more strength in my knees and I can do things without pain; things that I couldn't do before.