Dang Xiandi, this is awesome! And a hard act to follow, as usual from you. I consider you a true friend as well, and I have also learned countless things from you, including how to make half a windowblind...lol. (That sounds bad, but you know what I mean...).
I would actually have a similar list as you with a few additions. Also in no certain order....
Brainy, for pushing a green PDJ to do better. I dunno how many times I wanted to cuss you during the Knot Vista DX period when you kept making me redo things...lol. But you directly forced me to get better.
2of3, same as Brainy, always pushing for excellence. Nit picking the crap out of my DXes so they meet your standards, thank you.
Zubaz, for just always being there when I had problems, trying to fix things, and for helping to get a few of my skins preinstalled with DesktopX 4.0.
vStyler, for having faith in my work and always saying yes when I ask to do a DX for your skins, which are excellent.
Murex, you have taught me several things. I love the detail in your work. I cut my skinning teeth on Murex DX themes.
Mirsguy, for doing such awesome work, you inspire me to be better.
AVMAN, for pushing the envelope. Your work is on the cutting edge! You inspire me!
sViz, where do I start? You are the reason my DX themes are anywhere close to being good. I aspire to be like you. I think you are a scripting genius. I rely on you heavily, and you always do your best to help.
Wizard1956, for always being quick witted, and making me laugh. And for putting with me when testing for me. I am not the easiest to please. Wiz, you are one of my few true friends. I can't say enough.
Doc, you stay on my "list", as I do yours....

I too, am sure I've missed someone, but you all know I love ya! As much as some like to complain about WC and it's site problems, this is THE place to be, and the friends we have here will always outweigh any forum issues, or site problems.
If I didn't have you guys to turn to when in need of a friend, I'd be screaming EGADS all day long!!!