OK....so there's skinning 'bits' around....in the GUI....but the 'main' fun-of-the-moment is the wall....in-game shot of me [trying to] skinning planes in FSX.....and here I'm about 40 thou above Melbourne ....in a SU 47 'Berkut'.
In 15 minutes I can be buzzing over King Island...where I was born.....
Skinning in FSX is 'kinda' complicated.
Everything from XML coding to texture mapping and per-pixel editing, coding effects to activate correctly [eg. ABs]. [it's amazing how much stuff 'out there' that is clunky or missing one detail or another....and not just counting compatibility issues, either].
I hate alpha-blending.....and co-ords for gauges in a VC....it's all just too much like Litestep....you know, - complicated.....