I visit much larger forums than this which have no money and work perfectly.
It is a matter of software. Look Neowin, they use Invision Power Board (modded) as a base and it runs like hell. But Stardock insists to use self made code which maybe good for hobbyists in the state it is now but is not anywhere near professional and even not for a multi-million dollar company Brad does not get tired to state.
But IMHO this is all part of a general problem Stardock has.
Brad : What about the loyal people that paid at least 2 tires for Your Porsche worth of subscriptions, software and skins in the course of time ? Are they all nothing to You now ? As a customer and subscriber for 10 years I for sure feel totally let down by the way this website and Stardock in general is driven at the moment. And everytime the forums go boom I ask myself what the heck I pay a subscription for. And I am very sure I am not alone. Many other people just don't speak up (maybe fear of being demoted or even banned ist too big) or just left.
If this would have happened on my radio-site people would for sure teared and feathered me. But before this moderators would have beaten (all with words of course) the s**t out of me for letting things go like this. Another thing I don't get : Why are moderators here mostly ignoring this desastrous state ?
Again I am sick and tired to always hear excuses like "We are busy with game XY." for years now, then excuses again, then promises "Everything will get better" followed by something that really could be a plan written by Brad just to be disappointed again as more and more apps are discointinued, development is stuck and reported bugs existing for years.
If Stardock only wants to be all games and WindowBlinds and totally useless desktop animation and Brads little favorite project Fences so be it. But then have the guts to be honest with us and don't try to squeeze even more money out if us by false promises. Latest infamous example is ObjectDock 2 and the preview sales just to be told after a little while that the next beta will happen like six months later.
And finally : Please nobody tell me there are no programmers for the job out there.