well folks am saying goodbye to you all, its been a pleasure to chat with you and enjoy your artworks. it seems my humourous post about a post has not gone down well. oh well, i will move myself somewhere else where having a sense of humour is neither a crime or a waste of resouces.
much love to you all
I've seen more ridiculous post's by higher ranking / longer standing members. I wouldn't let a select couple of people run you off.
Whenever I see a Goodbye I'm leaving WC post, I nip into the member's site to see what I'll be missing, and invariably I'll be missing a lot of great work. You're no exception Loukeeya, so forget the storm in a teacup, stay on and keep skinning.
thanx for your support phoon, it is a sad day when you cant have a laugh and my post was not intended as serious in any shape or form. am the sort of person that has to have a laugh and fun otherwise whats the point
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trust me loukeeya, lately im the exhaulted king of the foot in mouth around here. I know the temptation to leave quite well. Sit back, breathe and walk away for a couple days and things will look better. . .
Trust Phoon, Lou. He is the exalted king of foot in mouth...lol...and knows of what he speaks.
You leaving over this would be the equivalent of any of us leaving over a skin that rated low, or Personal Page Only skins.
If a little rejection is all it takes to get people to leave, the skinning community would be The Skinny Community.
Web Gizmos would have left years ago (Sorry Steve)
I think we have all found out at one time or another that our skin is very thin.
We then are amazed at it's capablility to heal itself and usually rather quickly.
Life's lesson is that all things pass and when todays problems are looked at tomorrow some how most of them don't seen that bad.
Hey Lou, you have posted other fun/humorous type thread that were well received, this last one was not by some, I would suggest you just chalk it up as a miss and do as Phoon has suggested and take a couple days.
lol guys, i have very thick skin and it takes a bigger issue than a silly spat over a post to rattle me. i need humour in my life, its grim enough as it is, but i do appreciate your comments. phoon - its good to know i am not the only one who gets into trouble (i have a very big mouth and cant seem to keep it shut) LOL
You just said hello not that long ago.
You can't go, you haven't served your sentence yet. There is no "time off for good behavior" on WC.
Just let the Post post die a natural death, life will go on.
Everyone needs to lighten up a bit.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
And yeah Lou...everyone here has done something silly or said something stupid without thinking. Just adopt my way of thinking..."Be kind to dumb animals!" (sorry animals ) And remember this...the second you turn that pc on...you are connected with the best and worst humanity has to offer...and you just opened the front door.
What!?! Are you still here?
hoping you will stay with us ! just thinking you can always make the world (and Wincustomize) a better place 1) as a woman 2) as a skinner !
Ah damn! I never was good at hiding!
ops double post !
My motto is real simple "fk'm if they can't take a joke"..., & quite frankly at your age i'm wondering why your not there already
Not as long as we have you, Jim. oops...did I type that?
You can't leave, too many get hounded out of here as it is.
Remember three golden rules:
1) Everyone is a bit daft sometimes, especially me
2) Nothing is worth losing sleep over, it's just a website
3) Don't let the bastards grind you down...
I dont want you to leave.
Wiz is sleep typing again!
Don't know what it's all about but wish you could stay. Wait 15 more weeks then make a decision Best wishes to you either way.
Listen to the people posting here. You can look up in the posts of those "other" people and find stuff they posted that has nothing to do with skinning as well. Negative people don't matter. These posters matter and so does Stardock. chin up and keep skinning.
To quote my dear departed Father: "Everything is just a joke to you people. Isn't it?"
My grandfather said to "grow old, just don't grow up." I suppose we can't blame people for their opinions and attitudes. We all grew up differently.
These are fine people Lou and not will only you be losing we will be losing. I have always thought your comments have been quite funny. I had a post once that some didn't like and the only way I could delete it was to blow up my computer and buy a new one.
My computer easily kicks my butt at tournament chess, but I found it was no match for me at kick boxing
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