I wasn't gonna comment on this or the follow up thread. I was kinda waiting , expecting them both to die. Silly me.
I don't have an issue with the post. I DO have an issue with the drama. As someone who has engaged in some heated discussions in the forums, the one thing I always try to remember is that it is a FORUM. A public forum, if you will. Once you put yourself 'out there' as it were, you can't be thin-skinned about it, whether it's a serious post or just lighthearted. There is always bound to be someone who has an issue with it and will exorcise the same right you did when you created the thread and voice their opinion.
On the other hand, seeing longtime members bitch and moan over a post when there have been SO many (and some still active after years) similar posts is really discouraging and depressing. I don't see them posting in some of the older and still very active threads that the thread needs to die or go away. This is very inconsistent behavior and may be why some people are so quick to play the 'clique' card. When one person is singled out over all the others, it can make other folks suspicious.
On the third hand...I freaking hate cruising the entertainment sites or news sites or whatever and every other article is about Justin Bieber. However, I have the option not to click on any of them, or comment, and move on to what does interest me. I'm not wasting my time. I am not going to change that sites particular policy on what they post or allow to post or consider worthy of posting (whether I am a long time member or just driving by) and I don't have to suffer the backlash of 4 million Bieber fans.
And finally, on the fourth hand (I have to stop here because I need my fifth hand to primp my hair while I look in the mirror and admire how fucking awesome I really am) and this is the hardest thing to write because it I consider everyone here family (even skinhit...and you to John..though you are more like the cousin I have that I refuse to speak to because he's such an arrogant ass
) I do not understand why anyone would want to demean themselves with these 'Good-Bye Cruel Website' posts. Such drama. And that is exactly what it is. Why can't it be said in the original post. Hell, edit the original post and put it there. I have been forced to drag out, for my three year old, the old 'Pity Party' routine my grandmother used to use on me when my daughter throws one of her 'I don't want you.' 'You're mean' and my favorite 'I'm taking all my kisses and hugs back!'. I don't see these 'Adios' threads as much different. However, I don't comment if I can help it, because I would be the only one saying 'You know where the door is. And it will be there if you want to come back.' Sorry if that sounds harsh or cynical.
The old saying 'You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family' is very appropriate here. This is a family. Whether you like it or not. A 'virtual' family, perhaps, but still a family of folks that share some very unique and similar interests in skinning and desktop customization. If you can't support your family, at least tolerate it. It's just a post. It's not like your sister ran off and married Glen Beck. (Yeah, that was for you, John.