Again, thanks to everyone who responded, it is much appreciated.
lol starkers u will always be a spring chicken - belated birthday wishes to a great warm kind and fun loving person
Thanks, lou, you're a fun loving treasure yourself... and sometimes delightfully wikked with it as well. 
happy belated b-day, Starkers. Been a while since I could access internet. Last time I was on, you were having difficulties with your daughter running off and causing drama. I hope things have settled down for you, and I hope this year is one of your better ones.
Hey bloke, long time no see... like wow, it must be going on 6 years or more now. So yeah, it's really, really good to see you back here in the forums again... like WoW, your avatar and nick is such a welcome sight after so long.
As for Bianca, well things have settled down since then and she is now the mother of 2 young boys... 16 months and about 11 weeks. While things might be a bit better (like she and her partner and the kids could live closer to us) mrs starkers and I are rather happy with how things eventually turned out for her.
Anyhow, me old mate, it's great to see you and I do hope you'll be able to stick around.