I wanted to make a red and black theme that took advantage of the dramatic contrasts that this color combo can achieve.
It's been described many ways by folks as I have been building it... devilish, menacing, provocative, wikked, luminescent, masterpiece, fierce, ''pushing the envelopes'' However you may feel about it after loading it up I truly hope that enjoy the experience. It has been a challenging and time consuming theme to construct.
All matching skins will be loaded soon on Wincustomize.com, and there are a bunch, and lastly as I have mentioned before all truly dark skins will have a couple of areas here and there that can cause problems, mostly in MS Office, I have included a light version for each OS. There is also a winflag Start button alternative included in the zip that can be dropped in the WB folder.
Please leave your thoughts on this theme, thanks and Enjoy VENOM!
Available on my site http://maxstyles.com/news.php
Anyone who has made matching skins, please upload and leave a link here !
Links to accessories...
Venom cursorFX by theAVMAN.... link...
Venom DX by theAVMAN... link....
Venom Tabbed & Side Docks by WebGizmos... link...
Venom Tile by vStyler.... link...
Venom docks by Natas2..... link...
Venom DX by RedneckDude... link....
Venom Weather by RedneckDude..... link....
Venom Animated Recycle Bin by NetaholicsAnonymous... link...
Venom XP boot on the way.... tba
Venom link...
Venom Rawr link....
Venom 3 link....
link to suggested Venom matching wallpapers....
This guy has a couple of super walls in his gallery that match the WB very well, including this...