There's a host of things that ObjectDock 2 still needs that are present in v1.9 like the one you mention Madine. There's a lot of moving parts and it seems like there's always fewer people available who can do this kind of work.
One of the most serious challenges to desktop enhancement development these days is the sheer lack of development talent available. You can't just hire software developers to do this kind of specialized work. And nowadays, all the "tinkerers" are making iPhone/Android gizmos.
One of the real ironies of desktop customization is that its decline (in terms of new stuff) has less to with a decreasing demand but more from a problem of a readily available supply of developers able and willing to work on it.
Jeff Bargmann not only is the primary ObjectDock developer but also the lead on Fences, Impulse, and Impulse::Reactor and that's not counting the Dell and HP projects he leads.
We (Jeff, myself and others at Stardock) always assumed we would just be able to hire more people to do this kind of thing. But you can't write desktop enhancements in .NET. It's all very low level (and I can't believe I'm calling this low level) Win32 stuff.
The same problem exists with DesktopX btw. It kills me.
It's not just a Stardock issue of course. RocketDock hasn't been updated in I don't know how long (v1.3 came out at the start of 2007). Yahoo Widgets (formerly Konfabulator) hasn't been updated in about 3 years.
Thank god for Neil (lead on WindowBlinds and DeskScapes). But even Neil gets stretched. We have a next generation WindowFX in development and it's development pace is glacial as well.
Internally we have a half dozen projects that are in various states of completion. 3D virtual desktops. A XAML based DesktopX prototype. Fences itself was a prototype for something like 4 years before it finally went into beta.
Anyway, this is probably way more info than any of you guys were looking for but it gives you a peek inside.