And it should include Dolphins. Lots of Dolphins.
Where's that 'Delete Karma' button?....
bimph ... the 'problem' with Bryce [and other image 'generators'] is that often it is a new user [to the proggy] who clicks a few buttons and goes "WOW...look at that!!!" and promptly uploads the 'result' here.
Unfortunately [for the new user, AND the site's Moderators] this is NOT the first time any of us have seen a palm-tree-in-a-torus-hovering-over-water-with-a-chrome-sphere-or-two [and dolphins].
Think of it like...."if only the Mods had altzheimer's then everything would be new again"....except they don't.
ANY program can HELP create good walls/whatever ....but ALL require practise, experimentation, and a little vision....
...and practise...