Frogboy's last post confused me again. The bold text is getting to me.
You don't have to archive your stuff after your subscription expires. It's simply that if you reformat your computer or buy a new computer you can't access newer versions of Object Desktop once your subscription expires.
For simplicity, I'm going to use example version numbers for this hypothetical scenario. Please read carefully. I'm trying to be very specific.
Stardock releases a major version, version 2.0.
Updates/patching ensues, and they release version 2.1 which really gets me excited and I buy when v2.1 is current.
More updates/patching ensue, 2.2 gets released, followed by 2.3.
My sub expires while version 2.3 is current.
More updates/patching ensue, going up to 2.4.
Per Frogboy's quoted post, I wouldn't need to archive - so for this scenario, I do not archive. And so let's say I've bought a new computer. I feel like re-installing ODNT on the new computer.
I install Impulse Client on my new computer. Which version of Object Desktop stuff is available for download?
Case 1: Do I get to install the version that was current when my sub expired (2.3)?
Case 2: Do I get to install the version that was current when I first purchased the subscription (2.1)?
Case 3: Do I get to install the last major version prior to my subscription start (2.0)?
I don't expect the current version available at time of reinstall (2.4) of course. It wasn't available to me when I did have a subscription. Prior to this thread, I would have expected v2.3 - the version that was current when my sub expired. Frogboy's last post (quoted) leads me to believe this is the case, as did Jafo's (iirc) page 1 post. But at least one in between post led me to believe I'd need to have archived some version before my subscription expired - and no updates to bring that version to 2.3 would be available. Still other posts suggested 2.0 or 2.1 would be all I could obtain - and even then only if I either emailed SD support or had pre-created an archive.
I think my question would be answered if Frogboy (or anyone that really knows) could tell me which of the above Case examples would be correct, case 1, 2, or 3. (Or is it none of the above?)