Orange. [and the word should fairly be 'colour' as the 'black box' is an Aussie invention]...
I mentioned earlier that I'd be able to tell who was cheating/googling/binging....excuse me, gougling/binging ... and sorry to say, the author of reply #8 is disqualified.
Jafo: Turn in your thumbs, belly button and imagination.

Doesn't matter where it was invented, smarty pants. The Quiz is American. You lose. Take off your clothing and run around Queensland in a shame/punishment lap. Also write 500 times I will not tell Doc the rules on his thread, and will behave nicely in the future.
a. Professing to know the color and not knowing how to spell the word "color" is pathognomonic of the Fibber Syndrome.
b. Jingoistic pride in inventions activated during horrific disasters is yet another.
c. Knowing the correct answer is the clincher. I also know for certain that you know how to left click and drag. Tsk, tsk. That we should see this dark day (or night, as the case may be).
Bravo HG. You are a fellow know nothing and since Jafo has been disqualified, you are the new Admin. I figure you don't want the job. OK...too bad about all that free Pizza. Jafo's been hiding that perk for years.