I have posted about this before, but it really chaps my butt. So here I go again. ( And a redneck with a chapped butt ain't a pretty sight.)
I would like to know who I have to kill to get the Wincustomize Magazine to stop saying that DesktopX is for XP only!!!???
What if it said Windowblinds or Deskscapes was for XP only? That would be fixed in a heartbeat.
Yes, my product is listed near the top, I appreciate that. But at the bottom of the email there is a list of skins and DesktopX is listed as XP only, while LogonStudio XP isn't.

To me, this misinformation could, and most likely does, cause some loss of sales for Stardock, and some non usage of any artist's DesktopX work. No wonder DesktopX is losing ground....everyone thinks it's for XP only.
And the worst part about this is Frogboy said that Stardock was going to look to the future and phase out XP products.
Please fix this, or send me some chapped butt ointment!!