XP has been dead in this household for about a year....on my PC's for about 2 1/2 years. mrs starkers kept XP (dual boot with Vista) a while longer for a couple of apps she found didn't work as well in Vista. We're both on Win 7 Home Premium x64 these days, though I still dual boot with Vista Ultimate, mostly for nostalgia cos I have it set up and tweaked exactly as I want it.
Newegg has Win 7 pro x64 OEM for $140.
Now that's a first... cheaper in Oz than the US! I woulda paid $129 (less 10% for cash = $113) for mine/ours. That was when the Oz dollar was hovering around 92 - 93 US cents... so yeah, that's a bargain.
May the fleas of a thousand camel infest your hard drive!
May your chickens turn to emus and kick your dunny down....
May the hairs on yer arse turn into hammers and beat the sap out of you. 
What's a dunny?
It's something Australians use because they have no toilets.
Oh we have toilets orright... dual flushers, ones with soothing sprays to wash behinds, and soon we'll have something the English lack....
.... seats! 
This one is Jafo's
Yeah, there's a bit of a story with Jafo's dunny. A rather shy and sheltered woman who was attending a BBQ complained that there was no door and no lock. Quick as a flash, Jafo responds: "That's alright, luv, who's gonna steal a bucket of sh!t anyhow?"