Sigh, a global warming denier.
Sure am! I went to school back in the day before economics became the primary concern... when history, geograpghy and geology were still taught... when we learnt that all this warming and cooling had happened before... throughout history and prior to the industrial revolution, which 'so-say' is responsible for ecological disasters we're witnessing... also, those to come.
The cold weather we are having was predictable. It's due to the North Atlantic 'conveyor' slowing down, due to large amounts of fresh water coming from melting glaciers in greenland, due to the large rise in temperature there, due to the global warming...
And these meling glaciers are not the cause of totally natural causes, geographical/geological shifts?? I remember seeing a TV documentary years ago that highlighted melting ice dangers a Norwegian team experienced while trying to reach the North Pole, and that was back in the days when steamers and sailing ships were still the norm, so obviously well before industrialisation took its strong hold on the developed world.
Not that I'd know exactly where to find them right now, but I'm sure there are many, many more historical accounts of extreme temperatures (both ways) and 'glacial ice melting due to natural causes. However, the Bible (one of our oldest historical records) notes several occurences, that at the time were attributed to miracles, which were more likely (from a scientific point of view) to have been extreme natural phenomena... plagues and unusual flooding, etc, due to unseasonal weather conditions. And that's right, yeah, the people of Biblical times joined the industrial revolution by starting mud brick factories to build houses, and industrial fishermen who went out on to the Sea of Gallilee to feed their villages.
It is said that several island states in the Pacific will be below the ocean's surface in just a few years so-say because of 'global warming'. However, the earthquakes off Indonesia and Sumatra over the last decade or more have caused rifts in the ocean floor, and thus, huge portions of it have been raised several metres, meaning that the water displacement from these totally natural events has played a large part in sea levels rising around the Pacific and other areas.
Thing is, while we have enough gullible people believing the global warming spiel of those of influence, we will have 'global warming' and we'll pay for it through the nose. That's what we get when a buch of scientists get sick of studying the sex life of snails, the predatory life of hamsters... they justify their government/corporate grants by studying something important. Yup, they study the formation of ice and snow, knock over their thermos flasks on a glacier, and come up with global warming when they discover (man-made) coffee melts (naturally) frozen water... and as a result, our power bills go up by 120% in just 4 years, 'so-say' to enable the electricity provders to produce 'clean' power. Yeah right...
I don't believe a word of it... nothing will change environmentally, and the power company execs will become far richer than the bankers for our trouble.