Besides all what seems to be problems with things present or future to be done...
Myself; I have no problem actually with any product Stardock has made or is in the making of for the future. Sure I understand how it is being you want something better and believe you are right in asking for it. If you are truely that unhappy; then contact sales@stardock. com and ask for your refund. Not sure what all you will get. But they are nice people there and will work with you.
I support these people due to the fact they won't just release a software till it is completely finished. [Except in a beta form] Plus they do a hell of a good job at what they do. Sure others may think completely different from myself. But That is their idea or problems. I've been using Stardock software now going on for 6 years and I'd be in bad shape without it. I'll always be using it even when they stop making it. [Which I do not see that happening anytime soon!]
Thanks Neil for being there on a holiday! You are always working it would seem.
Oh and no matter what the studies say... I believe that to be wrong as if you actually look at what has really happened other than what some study has figured it be. You will see there is a big difference in things. [I'm really not interested in those sort of things.]
Doc making an isssue does nothing more than slow things down in the progress area. If you really want something you find a way to help work with these people to get the progress needed to complete the work itself. Not cause a big thing about it and then get whatever it is they give you.
I'd rather wait till 2011 if need be so as the developer can get things done in a good working order. Than have some halfway done program. Won't matter much to me anyway... it may not be what I realy want and I'll just use the program we have now. [via backup install with impulse]
So truly no matter what you think it is a really sad thing to think you are being ripped off... when actually no one is! You get what you pay for and if you feel you have not? Then ask for your money back and stop complaining. It will be a better world that way.