Okay folks, taking up from where Island Dog left off, Ideas for a Community Theme Project - Holiday Edition, I thought it would be nice to continue this with a Valentines Day Theme.
I haven't jumped out here and taken responsiblity for much of anything so i thought it would be nice to take the lead for a ommunioty project for a Holiday Theme.
What do you say?
My idea, subject to further input from the community.
Valentines Day Theme Pack with a Dream as being the core for the Theme
This would include at the minimum: (updated to show skin volunteers)
•WindowBlinds theme (for XP, Vista and Win 7) - k10w3
•DesktopX Theme - RedneckDude
•DesktopX Widgets - RedneckDude
•CursorFX theme - Vampothika
•Dream - CarGuy1
•Rainlendar - RedneckDude
•RightClick Skin - Nimbin
•ScreenSaver Skin (based on the Dream) - CarGuy1
•Icons (IP or just some dock icons) - Vampothika
•Object Dock backgound - RedneckDude, DisturbedComputer
•Wallpaper (based on the Dream) - CarGuy1
•Logons (based on the Dream) - CarGuy1
•BootSkins (based on the Dream) - CarGuy1
(If you would like to do a skin that is not listed please leave a comment on the thread)
At the end this would all be wrapped up in a Theme Manager suite, I have to do something.
We need ideas for a unique name plus design ideas for the Dream. If someone is all ready working on a Dream, all the more better.
Now, I'm a non-skinner so you folks need to let me know if there is enough time to pull this together for Valentines day. We are only talking a little more than five weeks as we should have it done in time for folks to use the theme. In that line of thinking the Theme probably should not just say Happy Valentines Day in words but show more of what Valentines Day means between two people who care about one another, if that makes sense.
Okay, so lets hear your thoughts.