I've been missin' ya, Fred..... Where you been hidin'? Canarsie?
Hey Seth, it's nice to be missed!
I'm around, I just haven't been able to be very active lately........
It all started around the time I got Win7, at first I had some driver issues, by the time I fixed all that and went to finally work on some Right Clicks I said I would do, My Vista machine was acting up. Then the holidays hit and it seemed like I couldn't get a chance to turn the computer on at all!
Then the snow came and I had to work nights (7am - 7pm really sucks!!!) after the snow was gone it got really cold and that just knocks Me out, sometimes I can't even focus enough to type. I'm still behind on My replies and now I'm in a skinning rut........but, I'm still lurking around
.............Might have even been in Canarsie once or twice!