Mike, how did you find that? Cool! It's really "Violaceous" by hyaline!
And I still think that it's the most beautiful skin, just look at the nice borders of a window. It's really something very special!
I could load it and it is still in the same beauty like it was before:

and see how nice the drop down menus are:

...but it has the same problem like many other skins (only under Windows 7?); the checkboxes are missing (like you can see on the first pic).
Start menu and Taskbar also look strange and "unskinned", I could live with that, but checkboxes are a very nice thing I just can't live without *g* ....
Is this artist still in the business or is there a chance that this skin could be reworked a little bit from somebody else? With a donation for sure!
edit: looks like my favorite skin "Violaceous" by hyaline (https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=1143&libid=1) is originally based on the skin "Breal" by paxx (http://paxx.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=1110&libid=1)