I have a friend in need of assistance. He goes by the name Wizard1956. He has to work, so I'm posting for him. That's just the kind of guy I am! lol...
Anyway, here is the scenario. He had the Fire Weather Gadget a bit too close to the edge of his screen and he minimized it, poof! It went off screen and never came back!! We have checked the gadget cache, program data, app data, etc. And we can't find an ini file or anything like it to reset the screen position for this gadget. He deleted it and redownloaded it and still it shows running in task manager, but no gadget is on screen. We tried altering his resolution to no avail...
Any help by anyone knowing anything about gadgets and the workings thereof would be greatly appreciated! I have contacted Romanda and sViz. Romanda couldn't help and sViz hasn't responded yet.