Mirsguy, Neil, Cameochi......here's a big thank you and an update. I think I was making this harder than I needed to. I assumed I had to learn Skin Studio 7 and change the color there. I don't, of course, and that's probably what you were trying to tell me Cameochi. 
I copied Miricla and gave it a new name, and it magically appeared in WB7. Then I colored the skin in WB7. Now had I only done it once I'd be posting this message much earlier in the evening. But I did it multiple times, got all my favorite colors back and then some. And I think I may like this way better. Each skin copy is it's own skin and there's less chance of deleting a color accidentally like I would sometimes do in WB6.
So, all's well that ends well. Roll back to WB6.....Nah! And, Brian, aren't you glad you don't have to teach me Skin Studio 7?? 