This is a greast discussion. Software can cost a lot. And yet, it actually doesn't have to... depending on your platform.
Still haven't seen many hard numbers that really justify the cost of the software and the 1000's of hours that are spent on one skin. There is a lot of talk. Anyone who literally spends that amount of time on one skin for that amount of money is not doing this to make money. They are doing it because they enjoy it. Yes, it can be an artform. And I see this as an artistic form. Maybe we should think about the value of this as an artform. Yes, $$
my rough geusstimate: a few grand easy on programs and software for artwork, 80bucks on odnt. plus extra $ for any other stardock prog i have bought.
1month plus on a wb
a week on a cursor
2 to 3 weeks on a icon packager
a week on a sysmetrix
a week on a wallpaper (mine are very detailed, i dont go for the vertical lines look)
a week on a xion
a month easy for dx theme. (im very slow at those)
*** edit, i cant believe i forgot to mention this.... ive also purchased 2 brandnew computers in the past 3 years just to keep up with skinning for vista and now w7. no lie. ***
and just recently a 1tb hardrive to accomodate xp and w7
i personally think my main driving passion is because ive always loved and excelled in art. (i have to thank my dad for that and passing his artistic abilities down to me) before i got into computers, you could always find me with a black chinagraph and a HUGE white drawing book. or sometimes with oils and brushes. and my art basically decorated my walls. xxxx