following on from a question about romance raised by Elfkura, i thought i would persue this a little further.
watching humans, this romance game seems really rather strange.
first off there are the subtle, caring and inteligent stratergies employed by males to woo the women of their dreams
(nothing personal, i just dont have a high opinion of males

then there are the equally confusing tactics used by women who end up surprised than men dont like being remolded into a new and more suitable form.
however, out off all of these confusing (unknown) rules, one question stands out. why why why why do otherwise inteligent caring and sensitive women seem so impressed that a male is caring and considerate when he presents her with flowers? basically he is demonstraiting that he is gentle and caring by ripping some pore and inocent being limb from limb.
maybe if someone can explain this, the whole thing would make more sence. and while we are at it, can anyone actually produce a definition of romance that both sides of my brain can understand at the same time?