I have NEVER posted in a thread here b4, but i have a strong opinion (yes, its an opinion) so am gonna give u my take on this.
Firstly to all the skinners here .. after playing around with skin studio i have nothing but the highest respect for u all, and i have downloaded and used some of Vampothika's previous WB's in the past ... however
I have seen way worse criticism on other skins that have been added on WC, and i just feel that this (as i call it) online drama, was completely unnecessary. So a couple ppl thought it wasnt great, so what? doesnt matter how they word it, were not all as articulate as we'd like to be.
If ur gonna create art of any kind and make it available to the public, what exactly makes u think that everyones gonna be appreciative and sing ur praises (this is not a direct question, its a comment to ALL skinners etc) Go check out some movie reviews, hell, ive written a few lol
I, personally, would rather see this comment ... "man this sux dude" than this "oh its wonderful darling *golf clap*"
C'mon, seriously, im not slapping anyone around here, i meant it when i stated that i highly respect ALL skinners here, i really do but take a look around ... last i looked we werent living in a perfect world and not everything an artist creates is gold.
I honestly see this as an over sensitivity issue and it kinda bothers me that something so trivial could cause such a ruckus.
So to sum up, if filmmakers can recover from making batman with george clooney, to making batman with christian bale? it was worth the criticism lolol
P.S I use xp and most ppl i know still do so yeah ... go xp w00t!