saying the bible is nothing more than life lessons is pretty...ignorant
calling people's personal beliefs/opinions 'ignorant', particularly associated with well...pretty much guaranteeing an inflamed isn't it...
the bible is proof that god does exist, ask any full on christian
that was said tongue in cheek....surely......
if there was 'proof'....everyone would 'believe' to whether they would then choose to follow, would be another question...
my reply was about 'the bible more than just life lessons' nothing else.
then the reply could have been more eloquently put, leaving out the inference....of ignorance....
The Bible for the most part is a series of life lessons, you can choose to follow them or not but I'm willing to bet that if you do, you would be better for it.
I tend to spells out a decent way to live life and respect each other.....whether you are a believer...or not....they are good guidelines for life....... it's just a pity that religions have so often distorted the message....for their own gain...