Quoting starkers, reply 10I'll say there's a bug. Being I'm the resident pirate, all-round nice guy and a funny bastard to boot, I should be up around the 1000 mark by now.
You need to open the My Account setting. You'll note on careful inspection (down near the bilge) that there's been a tiny hole drilled there.
Not knowing better, I'd say some Pyrate buddy of yours has been slowly and carefully siphoning off your karma.
*doc also noted a certain striped Admin's has been going up recently.
Now ye menshuns it, I did notice thar wur a wee 'ole down by tha bilge... thort it wur put thar t' let out tha excess wee n' gas.

This karma count thing is a bit like the personal message count always being off... the math has been flaky from word go and never seemed to add up right.
So, now Stardock has gotten this "corporate welfare" to put on extra staff, me thinks they should replace the guy who is forever losing count in the server room and get somebody in who doesn't have to rely on his fingers... or alternatively, get the current guy an abacus.