When it comes to a Taskbar...if the OS has two versions then the only acceptable option is to skin both [correctly], whatever it takes.
Well thank you oh wise one for making my point so concisely. 
Right now.. in the beta.. When one size is skinned correctly .. (the correct size) then the other is too big.. or too small.
After a couple of conversations with a couple of people 'in the know" I was left with the impression that .. the main focus was to skin the 'Superbar' correctly because.. that is what the main option used.. will be. It's new, its flashy.. its fat.. it's super, why would ANYONE use the older slimmer.. weaker etc XP style.. People will 'come around' once they use a fat taskbar for a while and see how great it is. That it was already overwhelmingly more popular amongst beta testers. 
Well, I could not agree less, as you might imagine. Like you said.. if the OS has two options, then WB needs to skin both correctly and leave the user to decide which he prefers.
Skinning one correctly and letting the other fend for itself can't be an option.
I've actually been at odds with more than 2 people on how popular the fat bar is and might be which is the reason I wanted to post this 'poll' and find out for myself and hopefully for them too.
After I suppose as many people have posted as are going to .. the 'final' result is not only not the fat bar being slightly more popular.. but vastly less popular.
Now..for all I know Neil plans to continue to try fix the issue.. He probably is and I hope he will, I'm not doubting Stardocks vision for its own product but being a hard core skinner myself and as one who makes his living, albeit a meagre one from using the WB and SKS products I wanted to make all involved at least aware of what confronts them as far as community opinion on this issue.
I mean no offense or hard feelings to anyone and I hope I've shown that if nothing else that both bars will need to be skinned correctly if everyone in the community is to be ... a happy camper. I hope folks understand that I say what I say with only the best product possible in mind for everyone.
I know I can't put up a Master skin with just one taskbar skinned correctly in either direction, people will have my head so I hope I have at least brought the issue into perspective.
I may post a thread this weekend outlining my thoughts pertaining to the Pro's and Con's of both designs. I just wanted to get a rough idea what the numbers were.. first.