Doing a full light substyle is a huge amount of work for a single WB, especially one that these days requires different OS's and substyles for those too, which means doing it all over again for each OS, then.. if you add in start button substyles for light and dark versions, then those x3 for the diff OS's.. and that doesnt even cover anything else you might want to cover like diff. colors, 2nd start menu's and buttons, apples , flags, peace signs, diff font substyles etc.... you can see where I'm going with this.
Point being , until the OS's are whittled down some, substyles are really the last thing on at least my agenda, they just multiply the amount of work too much, tend to complicate things massively, can cause issues etc.. you can see where I'm going with this ... i hope.
Not saying I'd never do them, I usually do.. will just depend. I designed this in the hopes that because u can read black text over the grey, that it will be usable without a light style. In fact it was the only way I was going to do another at least semi-dark skin.
Not trying to bitch but sometimes just drives me crazy when everyone throws out substyle requests perhaps not knowing what all goes along with making them.
You may be surprised also, in addition, how many tweaks I do for users that email or PM me for some special modification of a skin.
As far as contrast goes, u do know WB is capable of font replacement, color adjustment etc..In addition it is very easy to tweak font sizes and colors in SKS to your suiting.
I am using calibri in this after taking a break from using it, as for me it's by far and away the best looking MS font. Tahoma, Arial, Segoeui all look bulky in the start menu to me.
Peace to the world and good luck to Obama, cos Lord knows, he needs it right now.