Hi Tim,
No disrespect intended for your efforts, I've always been a huge fan of your work (as a matter of fact, my current theme is 'Slow Burn', recolored in blue

My argument is for Stardock.
I generally really like their products (or I wouldn't be here at all), but they can be amazingly inconsistent at times, especially when it comes to their non-game efforts.
At this time, they're trumpeting a new subscriber suite, but they don't release that suite in a manner that works for all of their subscribers (in this case, they completely ignore anyone who is using Windows 7, I guess we're second class citizens).
Maybe it's too difficult to get 'MyColors' to work with Windows 7. If that's the case, it seems to me that Stardock should offer a option to download the theme, even if 'MyColors' doesn't work.
Basically, we're being told that we get these wonderful subscriber benefits, but it seems that we only get these benefits if we're using the *right* OS.
That's one of my biggest issues with the whole 'MyColors' idea.
We're in the position of having to download (and install) an entirely new program, just to do what could be more easily done with a .theme file.
'MyColors' might be a good solution for those users who don't already have the other, requisite, Stardock programs. I really don't see the benefit to me, an 'Object Desktop Ultimate' customer, to have to install another program, when the programs I have already purchased can do the same job, if Stardock would provide them in the theme format they designed for this very purpose.
I'm a subscriber. One of the purported benefits of being a subscriber are these various perks, such as this theme. *However*, because I have the temerity to be running Windows 7, I'm deliberately excluded from being able to partake in the subscriber benefits.
Nice to know.
Stardock often goes into 'fund raiser' mode, where they're trying to cajole us into buying a subscription. Maybe they only care about our subscription until we've bought it, after which we can be safely ignored.
We're told that we get these 'benefits' by being a subscriber. If we're using Win 7, well, then we don't actually get that benefit.
There is nothing about this suite that *requires* 'MyColors'. All of the individual skins work just fine with the other Stardock programs that they apply to.
If these kind of things *really* are subscriber perks, they should be available for, and work for, *every* subscriber.